Yours truly is heading to this beautiful place. This will be one of the biggest tournaments in Manila in terms of participation. I'm not joining though I'd love to, but I will blog later about the tourney. This is a two day event. If you want to mixed up with the big boys, there is an open division. Also the kiddies division, the top finishers in the 14-under boys and girls, 12-under boys and girls, 10-under boys and girls and 8-under boys and girls will also get cash prizes and Barley products. Other category such as top seniors, top executive, top boys elementary, top girls elementary, top boys high school, top girls high school. So if you want to catch up, hurry!
For details contact Chi Nazario at tel. 496-9137 and cell 0926-6301973.
Se you all there!
last minute post :)
I've already posted about the tourney 4 days ago but I can't get any contact information :)
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