Here's the official FIDE ratings list for 1st of October. Please go to the FIDE website rating list server to download the full list of players including the non rated. The official FIDE list is published 4 times each year. Below is the list of the top 25 players of the Philippines and 32 of the best player in the planet.
1. 2615 So
2. 2560 Torre
3. 2526 Paragua
4. 2519 Gomez
5. 2515 Antonio
6. 2507 Laylo
7. 2489 Nolte
8. 2471 Sanchez
9. 2469 Gonzales
10. 2468 Villamayor
11. 2464 Salvador
12. 2448 Dimakiling
13. 2439 Bitoon
14. 2438 Dableo
15. 2435 Barbosa
16. 2431 Sadorra
17. 2424 Martinez
18. 2413 Elorta
19. 2410 Ballecer
20. 2409 De Guzman
21. 2401 Causo
22. 2400 Nava
23. 2398 Fernandez
24. 2390 Vuelban
25. 2386 Nadera
26. 2386 Yap
And here's the top 32 players in the world with above 2700 in the FIDE rating system.
1 Topalov, Veselin BUL 2791
2 Morozevich, Alexander RUS 2787
3 Ivanchuk, Vassily UKR 2786
4 Carlsen, Magnus NOR 2786
5 Anand, Viswanathan IND 2783
6 Kramnik, Vladimir RUS 2772
7 Aronian, Levon ARM 2757
8 Radjabov, Teimour AZE 2751
9 Leko, Peter HUN 2747
10 Jakovenko, Dmitry RUS 2737
11 Wang, Yue CHN 2736
12 Adams, Michael ENG 2734
13 Movsesian, Sergei SVK 2732
14 Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar AZE 2731
15 Karjakin, Sergey UKR 2730
16 Kamsky, Gata USA 2729
17 Svidler, Peter RUS 2727
18 Shirov, Alexei ESP 2726
19 Eljanov, Pavel UKR 2720
20 Gelfand, Boris ISR 2719
21 Dominguez Perez, Leinier CUB 2719
22 Ponomariov, Ruslan UKR 2719
23 Grischuk, Alexander RUS 2719
24 Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime FRA 2716
25 Alekseev, Evgeny RUS 2715
26 Bu, Xiangzhi CHN 2714
27 Polgar, Judit HUN 2711
28 Ni, Hua CHN 2710
29 Bacrot, Etienne FRA 2705
30 Nakamura, Hikaru USA 2704
31 Gashimov, Vugar AZE 2703
32 Rublevsky, Sergei RUS 2702
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Luigi Maggi is re-elected President of the Italian Chess Federation at the
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2 months ago
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