Breaking news: This is bad stuff for Wesley So's devotees. According to Singapore Chess Federation website, GM Wesley So and his father William So, will be moving to Singapore just after Wesley returns from competing at the 2009 Dubai Open that will be held from April 25 to March 5 where he is the defending champion. Reports said that after nearly half a year of "secret negotiation", Singaporean Chess Federation had finally struck a deal with Wesley's father, William So and convinced Wesley to play under the Singaporean flag in international competition from thereon. The following are excerpts from the SCF website:
"We're very happy that we finally come to an agreement." said Ignatius Leong, President of SCF, "I think it's a pretty fair deal and it will hugely benefit both Singapore chess and GM So. GM So will be well funded by SCF in his international campaigns specially in Europe. GM So is also secured full scholarship at one of the most prestigious university in this country and we're also planning to hire some top level GMs to be his coaches. Currently we're negotiating with former world champion Anatoly Karpov and IM Vasik Rajlich, the creator of the most powerful computer chess engine, Rybka." Leong even added that, "Singapore is very determined to make Wesley So the first Singaporean World Chess Champion and make the country the next chess power house of Asia."
Many Filipino chess master decided to move to Singapore in the past, some of the most notable names were GM Nelson Mariano II, IM Enrique Pacencia, IM Julio Catalino Sadorra even GM Bong Villamayor had a short stint in Singapore before Gov. Prospero Pichay convinced him to return to the country. Singapore top GM Zhang Zhong (2656) is originally from mainland China. For complete details visit SCF website
ChessHeroes wish GM Wesley So the best of luck...
and ChessHeroes also wish everyone a happy but wacky April Fool's Day. We all had a stressful week and I think it is proper to bring the smile back on everyone's faces, I mean in a harmless way, on this very day :)
Luigi Maggi re-elected President of the Italian Chess Federation
Luigi Maggi is re-elected President of the Italian Chess Federation at the
elections for the President and members of the federation’s council that
were he...
2 months ago
oh my god, i though this is really new. what an april fool's joke!! you bad! hahaha LOL
I couldn't breath for nearly two minutes! I felt like fainting actually :D
This should be an eye opener to our chess officials. It is possible that we may someday lost Wesley So if an lucrative offer from other country are simply become too irresistible.
Abu Dhabi Chess Club
This maybe an April Fools Day joke but it contains some truth in it. Let me remind you about this people, Kamsky, Shirov, Gelfand, Polgar to name a few. right? There are lots of craps during April 1 but this one is surely very creative.
this AFD joke really kicks some butt. I'm calling the attention of Susan Polgar to bring this kid to Texas Tech.
i hate this is an april fools since i am at singapore right now!! :)
huwag naman sanang mangyari ito, mawawalan tayo ng future Hydra GM.
but yes, i agree, that it's easier to lure our athletes and players to go abroad due to economic reasons, and we can't blame them. all we hope for is a good moral and financial support from our government and private sectors to keep them staying and playing for the country.
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