Another major event will takes place from July 28 to August 3. The Chess Classic in Mainz, Germany. It includes tournaments and Opens in traditional and Random Chess, with chess tigers like the current World Champion and world's number one Vishwanathan Anand, Magnus Carlsen of Norway, Russian GM Alexander Morozevich and Judit Polgar of Hungary. The Chess classic has always been dubbed "Anand's tournament" and with good reasons, he's been dominating the annual event for more than a decade now. Many expects the "wunderkid" from Norway, Magnus Carlsen as the one among the other participants who are capable of challenging Anand's dominance at Mainz because of the fact that the last time Magnus and Vishy face each other, that was in Melody Amber this year, Carlsen pull off his first ever victory against Anand. But Amber was a disaster tourney for Vishy. He was visibly out of shape as he had lost a couple of matches in some of the most terrible fashion. In fact Melody was one of the worst tourney for Anand in years. Alexander Morozevich is here as well. Morozevich as one may already know has a great disdain on how FIDE, he claimed, is handling every FIDE sanction tournament like the Grand Prix. Too bad that Morozevich vow never to take part in any of the FIDE Grand Prix tournaments, which is a self infliction because thereby he lost any chance to get a shot for the world championship. And hey, one of the master of psychology in chess, Judit Polgar is also around. Anand was too gentle with Judit and Judit is to charming for Vishy (as well as to every men she faces!) in their past head to head encounter that's why Judit manage to pull off a couple of games against Anand. But Anand knew now what to expect from a world champion. Sorry for Magnus and the rest of the pack but I honestly feel that the Indian GM, will once again, ripped everyone that get on his way at Mainz like a tiger on Chess Classic logo.
Rapid Chess, 20min/game + 5s/move. Course of events: Fri, 1 Aug.: first rounds 1, 2 and 3; Sat, 2 Aug.: second rounds 4, 5 and 6, possible tiebreak; Sun, 3 Aug: four-game matches, big and small final, possible tiebreak, award ceremony. Participants:
Player Nation Title Rating WRnkViswanathan Anand India GM 2798 1Alexander Morozevich Russia GM 2788 2Magnus Carlsen Norway GM 2775 6Judit Polgar Hungary GM 2711 22
Note: world rankings and ratings according to the official FIDE rating list of July 2008
Tournament official website
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