Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Anand Topalov WCC 12th round

12th and final round of the classical games. Just as predicted by many that this championship could go down the stretch, we may even see a tie break match here although it is Topalov who will be handling the white pieces. Going into the last round, both scored 5.5 - 5.5, with two wins for both players. Anand's team would be more than happy if Anand hold on to a draw as the tiebreak matches, which they believe, would be favorable for the current champ. According to timesofindia.com:

The tiebreaker consists of four rapid games of 25 minutes each and if that set is also drawn, a blitz game will decide the match. In both cases Anand would be the favourite not only based on his reputation but his head-to-head record against Topalov in these formats.

Topalov will certainly press for a win, like Anand did in the penultimate game on Sunday. However, the last two games would have given Anand's confidence a boost because with black in Game 10, he played doggedly, throwing the once-bitten Grunfeld back at Topalov...Topalov would like to close the match in regular play because he wouldn't want his opponent to call the shots in the rapid tie-breaker.

So do we expect an all out assault from Topalov? We will see tonight.

Chessdom will have a special live guest commentary for the final round and it will be no other than current Women's World Champion GM Alexandra Kosteniuk. http://live.chessdom.com/anand-topalov-2010-g12.html

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was an assault from Anand not from the otherway...Go Anand!!